Nepal is one of the main hubs for illegal wildlife trade in South Asia as it acts as both source and transit point. The majority of shipments take place via the land route, thus the transportation sectors are considered as a major stakeholder influencing the trade. Moreover, the Araniko highway and Rasuwagadhi highway are regarded as the major trade routes for Nepal-China. This route not only carries the regular goods but also the wildlife parts. Reports say many arrestees include the transportation section workers: drivers, co-drivers, or representatives of transportation associations.

The stiff penalty and imprisonment of Nepal’s law also do not deter people if they lack awareness of the legal status of the wildlife trade. In this context, this project aims to enhance the understanding of wildlife trade legislation among transportation staff, customs, and border security personnel. Further, it will also install hoarding boards in key check posts, and stickers on wildlife trade awareness in buses, trucks, notice boards, checkpoints, parking areas, and local tea stalls. 

Project partner/s: Hariyo Ban Program (USAID/WWF Nepal)

Project duration: 2018-2019


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